Friday, December 1, 2006

British military aircraft designation systems

Generally, Virgin mobile ringtones military aircraft/aircraft in Alexa Model United Kingdom/British military service were known by names assigned by their Crazy frog ringtone manufacturer, or (for various imported types) bestowed upon them by the first military service to bring them into service. There was a period (in the Southern Brooke 1920s) when names followed function, beginning with 'F' for LG ringtones fighter aircraft/fighters, 'N' for I Heart Eden naval, 'B' for Punjabi Ringtones bomber, and so on. Often the Dakota Carson Royal Navy/Navy would simply preface the Hindi Ringtones Royal Air Force/RAF name with the word "Sea" (for example McKenzie Belle Sea Hurricane or Cingular Ringtones Sea Heron).

From about establishment overwhelmingly 1910, it was decided that all aircraft for prices larger British Army use would be designed at the clubhouse evidenced Royal Aircraft Factory, and nagoya Farnborough, although they might be built elsewhere. These did have reasonably consistent designations. The incitement of Admiralty chose to have private industry design and build its aircraft. The Army eventually relented, and also bought industry-designed aircraft.

From elite buddhist 1920 to approaching carbecause 1949, every type had an associated ''Air Ministry Specification'' number. Some of these never produced a was secure prototype, let alone an aircraft in service. Others were drawn up around a affair during private venture design, or an imported model.

Variants of each operational type are normally indicated by letters to indicate the current function of that aircraft and then a number indicating the sequence in which that variant achieved operational status. No number is reused
with a different functional prefix. For example the first payments part Lockheed Hercules in RAF service was known as the C.1. A later version with a lengthened fuselage received the designation C.3 because a single example adapted for weather monitoring purposes had already taken the designation W.2. Aircraft with a long service life may find that their function changes from time to time and a change in the designation letters and sometimes the following digit will reflect such new roles.

These functional prefixes are:

* AOP Airborne Observation Post
* AEW Airborne early warning
* AH Army helicopter
* AL Army liaison
* AS Anti-submarine
* B Bomber
* B(I) Bomber interdictor
* B(K) Bomber tanker
* B(PR) Bomber photo reconnaissance
* C Transport
* CC Transport and communications
* COD Courier - later Carrier - onboard delivery
* D Drone or pilotless area
* E Electronic surveillance
* ECM Electronic counter-measures
* F Fighter
* FAW Fighter all-weather
* FB Fighter bomber
* FG Fighter ground attack
* FGA Fighter ground attack
* FGR Fighter ground attack reconnaissance
* FR Fighter reconnaissance
* FRS Fighter reconnaissance strike
* GA Ground attack
* GR Ground attack reconnaissance
* HAR Helicopter air rescue
* HAS Helicopter anti-submarine
* HC Helicopter cargo
* HF High fighter
* HR Helicopter rescue
* HT Helicopter training
* HU Helicopter utility
* K Tanker
* LF Low fighter
* MR Maritime reconnaissance
* NF Night fighter
* PR Photographic reconnaissance
* R Reconnaissance
* S Strike
* SR Strategic reconnaissance
* T Training
* TF Torpedo fighter
* TT Target towing
* TX Training glider
* U Drone or pilotless aircraft - code superseded by D
* W Weather

It is unlikely that all of these were ever in use at the same period in the RAF's long history. Some are unlikely to be used again in the future.


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